It began with a prophetic dream - a dream from the Lord. And in that dream, I saw a field. It was barren and very flat. Suddenly hundreds and hundreds of women rose up out of the ground at the same time. They had been hidden for years . They were roaring like lions. They were fierce, bold and fearless and they began running forward. The Lord told me that He had called me to raise up and lead an army of Warrior Women - Christian Women. These would go forth and do a great and mighty work for the Lord. Many had been abused, overlooked, rejected, and ridiculed. He would use me to minister healing and deliverance to them, to mentor them and support them and release them into their destinies to be part of the great end-time army that the Lord has been raising up and gathering.
Out of that dream - The Warrior Women International was birthed. Warrior Women: International ministers healing and deliverance to women, equips and empowers them to stand, fight and overcome the enemy and take back everything that the enemy has stolen from them-their dignity, their joy, their happiness, their health, their marriage, and every other thing that was taken from them.